Free Tarot » The Tarot Zodiac: How Astrology Shapes Your Card Readings

The Tarot Zodiac:
How Astrology Shapes Your Card Readings

The Tarot Zodiac: How Astrology Shapes Your Card Readings


Welcome to the fascinating world of Tarot and Astrology! As an expert Tarot reader, I am excited to guide you on a journey of discovery that explores the profound connection between Tarot and Astrology.

Tarot is an intuitive tool that uses a deck of 78 cards to offer insights and guidance about our lives. Each card has its own unique symbolism and meaning, making it a powerful instrument for self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual development.

Astrology, on the other hand, is a system that uses the movements and positions of the planets and stars to understand the patterns and cycles of life. It is based on the idea that the position of the planets at the time of our birth can reveal deep insights into our personality, life path, and destiny.

While these two ancient divination practices are distinct, they share a deep connection. In fact, Tarot decks have long incorporated astrological symbolism and correspondences, making it essential for Tarot readers to have a basic understanding of astrology.

Overview of article contents

In this article, we will explore how astrology shapes Tarot readings and how understanding this connection can enhance your Tarot practice. We’ll cover the basics of astrology, including an overview of the Zodiac signs and their meanings, and discuss how planetary rulership and elements are associated with the signs.

We’ll then delve into how astrology is incorporated into Tarot readings, examining the major and minor arcana cards associated with each Zodiac sign. We’ll explore how understanding these astrological correspondences can deepen your interpretation of the cards and improve the accuracy of your readings.

To help you put these ideas into practice, we’ll provide tips and techniques for incorporating astrological correspondences into your Tarot spreads. We’ll also look at how planetary aspects and transits can influence Tarot readings, and offer case studies to illustrate these concepts.

In short, understanding the connection between Tarot and astrology can open up a whole new world of insights and possibilities in your Tarot practice. By incorporating astrological correspondences into your readings, you’ll be able to offer even deeper insights and guidance to your clients and gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe. Let’s get started!

The Basics of Astrology

Now that we have a basic understanding of Tarot and Astrology, let’s dive deeper into the world of astrology and explore the Zodiac signs, planetary rulerships, and elemental associations.

The Zodiac signs are the 12 astrological signs that make up the astrological wheel, each one representing a unique archetype of energy and personality. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the signs that we’ll be exploring.

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Planetary Rulership and How it Influences the Signs

Planetary rulership is an important concept in astrology that refers to the planet that governs a particular Zodiac sign.

Each Zodiac sign has a ruling planet, which influences the energy and personality of that sign. For example, Aries is ruled by Mars, which brings a fiery and assertive energy, while Taurus is ruled by Venus, which brings a sensual and luxurious energy.

Understanding planetary rulership is key to understanding the correspondence between Tarot and astrology.

Each Tarot card is associated with a particular planet or Zodiac sign, and knowing the correspondences between the two can deepen your understanding of the cards and their meanings.

The elements are another important concept in astrology, with each Zodiac sign being associated with one of the four elements:

  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are associated with passion, creativity, and inspiration,
  • Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are associated with emotion, intuition, and sensitivity.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are associated with stability, practicality, and materialism.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are associated with communication, intellect, and social connection.

Understanding the elemental associations of each Zodiac sign can help you better understand the energy and personality of each sign, and how it relates to the Tarot cards associated with that sign.

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In the next section, we’ll explore how astrology is incorporated into Tarot readings, and how you can use this knowledge to deepen your interpretation of the cards.

Astrology in Tarot

Now that we have a solid understanding of astrology and Tarot individually, let’s explore how astrology is incorporated into Tarot readings.

Tarot cards are rich with symbolism and meaning, and many of those symbols are directly related to astrology. Each of the 78 Tarot cards is associated with either a planet or a Zodiac sign, or both. Understanding these astrological correspondences can add a new layer of depth to your Tarot readings.

Major Arcana cards associated with each Zodiac sign

In Tarot, the Major Arcana cards represent the major themes and archetypes that we encounter in life. Each card is associated with a particular Zodiac sign, planet, or element, which can provide additional insights into the card’s meaning and symbolism.

Here are the major arcana cards and their astrological correspondences:

  1. The FoolUranus: The Fool represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking risks. Uranus is associated with innovation, rebellion, and sudden changes.
  2. The MagicianMercury: The Magician represents creativity, willpower, and manifestation. Mercury is associated with communication, intellect, and adaptability.
  3. The High Priestessthe Moon: The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and the subconscious. The Moon is associated with emotions, femininity, and the cycles of life.
  4. The EmpressVenus: The Empress represents nurturing, abundance, and creativity. Venus is associated with love, beauty, and pleasure.
  5. The EmperorAries: The Emperor represents authority, structure, and stability. Aries is associated with leadership, initiative, and determination.
  6. The HierophantTaurus: The Hierophant represents tradition, spirituality, and conformity. Taurus is associated with material stability, pleasure, and steadfastness.
  7. The LoversGemini: The Lovers represent choices, partnerships, and harmony. Gemini is associated with communication, duality, and adaptability.
  8. The ChariotCancer: The Chariot represents ambition, determination, and progress. Cancer is associated with nurturing, emotions, and domesticity.
  9. StrengthLeo: Strength represents courage, self-control, and inner strength. Leo is associated with creativity, passion, and leadership.
  10. The HermitVirgo: The Hermit represents introspection, solitude, and wisdom. Virgo is associated with analysis, service, and practicality.
  11. Wheel of FortuneJupiter: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles, change, and destiny. Jupiter is associated with expansion, optimism, and luck.
  12. JusticeLibra: Justice represents balance, fairness, and decision-making. Libra is associated with relationships, harmony, and beauty.
  13. The Hanged ManNeptune: The Hanged Man represents surrender, release, and sacrifice. Neptune is associated with spirituality, illusion, and transcendence.
  14. DeathScorpio: Death represents transformation, rebirth, and regeneration. Scorpio is associated with intensity, passion, and transformation.
  15. TemperanceSagittarius: Temperance represents moderation, balance, and self-control. Sagittarius is associated with exploration, expansion, and optimism.
  16. The DevilCapricorn: The Devil represents materialism, addiction, and fear. Capricorn is associated with ambition, discipline, and responsibility.
  17. The TowerMars: The Tower represents sudden change, upheaval, and chaos. Mars is associated with energy, passion, and conflict.
  18. The StarAquarius: The Star represents hope, inspiration, and intuition. Aquarius is associated with innovation, eccentricity, and independence.
  19. The MoonPisces: The Moon represents illusion, dreams, and the subconscious. Pisces is associated with empathy, intuition, and creativity.
  20. The SunSun: The Sun represents success, vitality, and optimism. The Sun is associated with vitality, warmth, and self-expression.
  21. JudgmentPluto: Judgment represents rebirth, renewal, and transformation. Pluto is associated with power, destruction, and regeneration.
  22. The WorldSaturn: The World represents completion, wholeness, and achievement. Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility, and hard work.

Minor Arcana cards associated with each Zodiac sign

In the Minor Arcana, the four suits of Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles are each associated with one of the four elements of astrology: water, air, fire, and earth, respectively. Within each suit, each of the 14 cards is associated with a particular Zodiac sign, planet, or both.

Here’s a breakdown of the Minor Arcana cards associated with each Zodiac sign:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Wands

The suit of Wands is associated with the element of Fire, which is connected to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The cards in this suit often represent creativity, passion, ambition, and energy. Some of the cards associated with these signs include the Ace of Wands, the Knight of Wands, and the Queen of Wands.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Pentacles

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the element of Earth, which is connected to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The cards in this suit often represent material wealth, practicality, stability, and manifestation. Some of the cards associated with these signs include the Two of Pentacles, the Seven of Pentacles, and the Queen of Pentacles.

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Swords

The suit of Swords is associated with the element of Air, which is connected to Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The cards in this suit often represent intellect, communication, logic, and mental clarity. Some of the cards associated with these signs include the Three of Swords, the Knight of Swords, and the Queen of Swords.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - Cups

The suit of Cups is associated with the element of Water, which is connected to Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The cards in this suit often represent emotions, intuition, creativity, and relationships. Some of the cards associated with these signs include the Four of Cups, the Knight of Cups, and the Queen of Cups.

How understanding astrological correspondences can enhance Tarot Readings

Understanding the astrological correspondences of the Minor Arcana cards can help you gain a better understanding of the Tarot and how it relates to your life and experiences.

If you draw The Magician in a reading, for example, you might interpret it as a call to communicate more clearly or to tap into your intellect and problem-solving abilities. If you draw the Three of Swords, which is associated with Saturn in Libra, you could interpret it as a warning of heartbreak or betrayal.

By incorporating astrology into your Tarot readings, you can add another layer of complexity and depth to your interpretations. You can use the astrological correspondences to gain a deeper understanding of the energy and symbolism of each card, and how they relate to the person you’re reading for and their life circumstances.

To sum up, understanding the astrological correspondences in Tarot is essential for any Tarot reader who wants to take their readings to the next level. By exploring the connection between astrology and Tarot, you can gain a deeper understanding of the cards and their meanings, and use this knowledge to provide more insightful and accurate readings.

Interpretation Techniques

Now that we understand the basics of astrology and how it relates to Tarot, let’s explore how to incorporate astrological correspondences into Tarot spreads and readings.

1. Incorporating astrological correspondences into Tarot spreads

One way to incorporate astrology into Tarot readings is to use Tarot spreads that are specifically designed to incorporate astrological correspondences. For example, you can use a spread that corresponds to the houses of the Zodiac or a spread that corresponds to the phases of the Moon. You can also create your own spreads based on the astrological correspondences that resonate with you.

2. Understanding how planetary aspects and transits can influence Tarot readings

Planetary aspects and transits can have a significant influence on Tarot readings. For example, if there is a challenging aspect between Mars and Saturn, the person you’re reading for may be experiencing frustration, delays, or obstacles. By understanding the planetary aspects and transits that are affecting the person you’re reading for, you can provide more accurate and insightful readings.

How to Host a Tarot Party That Everyone Will Love and Enjoy 5

3. Tips for reading Tarot cards based on their astrological associations

When reading Tarot cards based on their astrological associations, it’s important to keep in mind the basic meanings of the planets and signs.

For example, if you draw the Nine of Swords, which is associated with Mars in Gemini, you might interpret it as a warning of impulsiveness or scattered thoughts. You can also look at the planetary aspects and transits that are currently affecting the person you’re reading to gain additional insight into the reading.

Incorporating astrological correspondences into your Tarot readings can give your interpretations a new level of depth and complexity. You can gain a deeper understanding of the cards and their meanings by using Tarot spreads that correspond to the Zodiac signs and planets, and by remembering the basic meanings of the signs and planets. You can also provide more accurate and insightful readings if you understand the planetary aspects and transits that are affecting the person you’re reading for.

The Witchy Cauldron Beginner Deck offers with each card’s unique astrological associations, you can explore the connections between the celestial bodies and the Tarot archetypes, providing a richer and more nuanced perspective on the messages of the cards.

Case Studies

In this section, we’ll look at some case studies of Tarot readings that utilize astrological correspondences. These examples will help you better understand how astrology can enhance your Tarot readings and provide deeper insights into the cards.

Example 1: Aries Full Moon Spread

For this reading, we use a spread specifically designed for the Aries Full Moon. The Aries Full Moon is associated with the Emperor card, which represents authority, power, and leadership. The spread consists of six cards, each corresponding to a different astrological house.

Card 1: Aries – What area of my life needs more confidence and assertiveness?
Card 2: Taurus – What resources do I need to achieve my goals?
Card 3: Gemini – What messages or information should I pay attention to?
Card 4: Cancer – What emotional patterns or habits do I need to release?
Card 5: Leo – What creative projects or passions should I focus on?
Card 6: Virgo – What practical steps can I take to manifest my intentions?

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Example 2: Venus Retrograde Spread

For this reading, we use a spread specifically designed for the Venus Retrograde period. Venus retrograde is associated with the Lovers card, which represents love, relationships, and choices. The spread consists of seven cards, each corresponding to a different aspect of Venus retrograde.

Card 1: Venus in Aries – What new beginnings in love are coming my way?
Card 2: Venus conjunct Chiron – What healing do I need in my relationships?
Card 3: Venus trine Saturn – How can I create more stability in my relationships?
Card 4: Venus square Pluto – What challenges do I need to overcome in my relationships?
Card 5: Venus sextile Mars – How can I create more passion in my relationships?
Card 6: Venus opposite Uranus – What surprises can I expect in my relationships?
Card 7: Venus in Pisces – What spiritual lessons can I learn from my relationships?

Example 3: Solar Eclipse Spread

For this reading, we use a spread specifically designed for the solar eclipse period. The solar eclipse is associated with the Sun card, which represents vitality, energy, and creativity. The spread consists of nine cards, each corresponding to a different aspect of the eclipse.

Card 1: The Eclipse – What is being illuminated in my life right now?
Card 2: The Sun – What energy am I being called to embody during this period?
Card 3: The Moon – What emotions do I need to acknowledge and process?
Card 4: Mercury – What messages or communication do I need to pay attention to?
Card 5: Venus – What relationships or creative projects should I focus on?
Card 6: Mars – What actions or projects should I take initiative on?
Card 7: Jupiter – What opportunities for growth and expansion are available to me?
Card 8: Saturn – What challenges or limitations do I need to overcome?
Card 9: Uranus – What unexpected changes or surprises can I expect during this period?

We can see how astrological correspondences add depth and nuance to Tarot readings by analyzing these case studies.

The associations between the cards and the zodiac signs, planets, and planetary aspects provide a framework for interpreting the cards and can help us gain deeper insights into our lives and the challenges we face. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the connection between Tarot and astrology can be incredibly beneficial in enhancing your Tarot practice. By incorporating astrological correspondences into your readings, you can gain deeper insights into the cards and their meanings.

The Tarot zodiac provides a framework for understanding the relationships between the cards and the astrological signs, elements, and planetary rulership. By studying the correspondences and incorporating them into your practice, you can add layers of meaning and complexity to your readings.

We encourage you to experiment with using astrological correspondences in your Tarot readings. Try incorporating the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards associated with each sign, and pay attention to how the astrological associations influence your interpretation.

You can deepen your understanding of the cards and their meanings by incorporating astrology into your Tarot practice, as well as develop a more nuanced and insightful approach to readings.

So don’t be afraid to explore this fascinating and rewarding aspect of Tarot, and see how it can help you take your readings to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Astrology and Tarot are two divination practices that have been used for centuries to gain insight into the future. Tarot and astrology share a deep connection, as each tarot card has an astrological correspondence. Understanding the astrological correspondences of tarot cards can enhance your readings by providing deeper insight and meaning.

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs and the natural world. The 12 zodiac signs each have a set of unique qualities and characteristics and are ruled by different planets. The elements of fire, water, earth, and air are also associated with each sign.

Astrological correspondences can be incorporated into tarot readings by selecting cards based on their astrological associations or using tarot spreads specifically designed to incorporate astrological influences. Understanding planetary aspects and transits can also provide deeper insight into a tarot reading.

Incorporating astrology into tarot practice can provide a deeper level of insight and meaning to readings. It can also provide a framework for understanding the underlying energies and influences at work in a particular situation or question. Additionally, using astrological correspondences can help to create a more holistic and well-rounded interpretation of the cards.

Not necessarily. While having a basic understanding of astrology can be helpful, you can still incorporate astrological correspondences into your Tarot readings without being an expert. You can start by learning the correspondences of each Tarot card and their associated Zodiac sign, and then gradually incorporate planetary rulership and other astrological factors into your readings as you become more comfortable. Remember, Tarot and astrology are both tools for self-discovery and personal growth, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you

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