
Tarot Card Meanings

The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance, coupled with a lot of patience.
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Temperance Tarot Card Description

Temperance is represented by a large, winged angel who is both masculine and feminine. She is dressed in a light blue robe with a triangle enclosed in a square on the front, symbolizing how humans (the triangle) are bound by the Earth and natural law (square).

The angel balances one foot on the rocks, representing the need to be grounded, and one foot in the water, representing the need to flow. She splits water between two cups, representing the flow and alchemy of life.

A winding path leads up to a mountain range in the background, reflecting life’s journey. A golden crown encased in a glowing light floats above the mountains, a symbol of following the Higher path and remaining true to one’s life purpose and meaning.

NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

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Temperance Keywords

 Upright Keywords:
  • Balance
  • Moderation
  • Patience
  • Purpose
Reversed Keywords:
  • Imbalance
  • Excess
  • Self-healing
  • Re-alignment

Upright Temperance Meaning

Temperance is the card for bringing balance, patience, and moderation into your life. You are being asked to balance your energy and allow the life force to flow through you without resistance. It’s time to regain your flow and restore order and balance to your life.

This card encourages you to stay calm even when things are stressful or frantic. Maintain a level temperament and control your emotions. You have learned to remain calm in stressful situations. Little things don’t bother you, thanks to your seemingly endless supply of patience. Your appreciation for balance and tranquility is what will enable you to achieve and experience fulfillment in your life.

Temperance requires you to walk the middle path and consider all points of view. Now is not the time to express strong feelings or engage in heated debate. Be the peacekeeper by maintaining a balanced and moderate approach and avoiding extremes. Include others and bring diverse groups of people together to foster harmony and cooperation. You will collectively leverage the right mix of talents, experiences, abilities, and skills by working together.

There is alchemy within Temperance. This Tarot card is about blending, mixing, and combining disparate elements to create something new and more valuable than the sum of its parts. A blended family, an artist who combines different materials or techniques, a bartender who creates new and exciting cocktails, or a chef who combines different cuisines and cooking styles are all examples of blending.

The Temperance card indicates that you have a clear, long-term goal in mind. You are not rushing things; rather, you are taking your time to ensure that you do your best. You understand that to achieve your objectives, you must take a measured and guided approach.

Finally, this card reflects higher learning. You’re starting to learn a lot right now and are satisfied with what you’re doing – it’s all coming together nicely. Your inner voice is directing you in the right direction, and you are patiently listening and following.

Reversed Temperance Meaning

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If you have recently experienced a period of excess, Temperance Reversed is an invitation (or, in some cases, a warning signal) to return to balance and moderation as soon as possible. You may have been overeating, drinking regularly, purchasing items you couldn’t afford, arguing with loved ones, or engaging in negative thought patterns. These activities are distracting you from who you are and what you are here to do.

So it’s time to call it a day. “Everything in moderation!” they say. Alternatively, you may discover that you require complete abstinence to break this negative cycle and restore balance to your life.

Temperance Reversed can also indicate that something is ‘wrong’ in your life, causing stress and tension. Life isn’t going as smoothly as you’d hoped, or there’s a nagging voice within saying, “Wait a second! This isn’t feeling right!” You can ignore it and go about your business as usual.

But heed Temperance’s warning: if you remain in this state for too long, that voice will become increasingly louder until you pay attention. Alternatively, you can listen to it now and make the necessary adjustments to re-establish your flow. Concentrate on your long-term vision and higher purpose, and strive to align your daily activities with it.

Similarly, the Temperance Reversed can be interpreted as a call to deep self-healing. You can facilitate such healing by practicing more balance and moderation in your life. Given the reversal of this card, you are doing it in a way that is personal and private to you, free of outside influence. You’re aware that you have everything you need to heal yourself and create more ‘flow’ in your life.

Also, Temperance Reversed may represent a period of self-evaluation during which you can reconsider your life priorities. Internally, you may feel called in one direction, but your daily life may not reflect this. Consider this an opportunity to connect your higher vibration to your outer world.

You may need to make changes to your living situation, relationships, career, and daily habits to cultivate more balance and purpose following your new priorities. Don’t be surprised if you experience tension or even conflict as you align your inner and outer worlds; it’s a normal part of the process of progressing and bringing about positive change.

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