Tarot Card Meanings
To see this card is a message to have faith, for the universe will bless you and bring forth all that you need.Free Tarot » Daily Tarot Reading
The Star card depicts a naked woman kneeling at the edge of a small pool. She has two water containers in her hands, one on her left (the subconscious) and one on her right (the conscious). She pours the water out to nourish the earth and continue the fertility cycle, which is represented by the lush greenery surrounding her. The water from the other container is poured onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses.
The woman stands with one foot on the ground, representing her practical abilities and common sense, and the other foot in the water, representing her intuition and inner resources, as well as listening to her inner voice. Under the vastness of the starry night sky, she is naked, representing her vulnerability and purity. Behind her, one large star represents her essence, and seven smaller stars represent the chakras.
NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.
In Tarot, The Star card comes after The Tower card, and it is a welcome reprieve after a period of destruction and turmoil. You've overcome many obstacles and rid yourself of any limiting beliefs that were previously holding you back. You are becoming aware of your true essence, who you are beneath all the layers. Whatever life throws at you, you know you are always connected to the Divine and pure loving energy. You have a new sense of self, a new appreciation for your essence.
The Star gives you renewed hope and faith, as well as a sense that you have been truly blessed by the Universe. You are entering a loving, peaceful phase of your life, filled with calm energy, mental stability, and a deeper understanding of yourself and the others around you. This is an important time in your personal development because you are now ready to receive the many blessings of the Universe.
Anything is possible with The Star card, and magic is all around you. Your heart is full of hope, and your soul is lifted to new heights as you realize that your dreams can come true. Allow yourself to dream, aspire, and elevate in any way you can to reach the stars. They are already waiting for you.
You might also want to rediscover or find a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose in your life. You are making significant changes in your life, transforming yourself from the old you to the new you and bringing about a new perspective: "Out with the old and in with the new!" You are selecting the best version of yourself. This is a profound spiritual journey that will give your life more meaning and purpose, as well as renew your inner energy. Remove any limiting beliefs, facades, or deceptions, and live in your true self. Be open to new ideas and growth, and listen to your inner still voice.
The Star also represents a generous nature. You want to give or share your wealth with others to help them improve their lives. Your heart is open, and you now want to return the favors you have received so that others may benefit.
The Reversed Star can indicate that you've lost faith and hope in the Universe. Right now, you may be feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges and wondering why you are being put through this. You've heard that life throws curveballs, but really? Why is this happening now? You may be pleading with the Universe for help but finding it difficult to see how the Divine is on your side. You'll notice it if you look closely. The Divine is never far away. Take a moment to consider what the deeper life lesson is and how this is a blessing rather than a punishment.
Often, The Star Reversed is a test of faith. When faced with a difficult situation, you can either crumble like The Tower or stand firm in your belief that the Divine is present everywhere. You will also learn to trust not only the Universe but yourself. You are a vessel for the Divine, and when you believe in yourself and your abilities, you allow the Divine to shine through.
The Star Reversed also indicates that you are disengaged and uninspired by life or aspects of your life (for example, work, hobbies, relationships, personal projects, etc.). Perhaps you began with great vision and enthusiasm, but you are now feeling overwhelmed by mundane and dreary day-to-day routines. This card is especially useful for career readings when you feel dissatisfied with your job and wonder if it's time to move on or make a change. Reconnect with what is truly important to you and the purpose of your soul in this lifetime. Align your daily activities with this goal, and you will discover new sources of inspiration.
Finally, The Star Reversed encourages you to prioritize self-care and nourishment on a deeply personal and spiritual level. Your energy reserves may be depleted, so rather than pushing yourself further, make time for yourself. Schedule a massage, return to your daily spiritual practices, or soak in a warm bath - whatever it takes to nourish your spirit and reconnect with your inner essence. Being near water or participating in a purification ritual will nourish you on a deeper level.
Tarot Card Meanings
Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow.Free Tarot » Daily Tarot Reading
The Magician card has the number One, which represents opportunities and new beginnings, and it is linked to the planet Mercury. He is standing with one arm extended upward toward the cosmos and the other pointing downward toward the surface of the planet. His position serves as a symbol of his connection to both the spiritual and physical worlds. The Magician makes use of this connection to create and accomplish his objectives in the physical world. He is the channel through which matter is created from energy. The Magician's robe is white, signifying purity, and his cloak is red, signifying wisdom gained from travel and experience.
The four Tarot suit symbols, a cup, pentacle, sword, and wand, each representing one of the four elements (water, earth, air, and fire), are displayed on the table in front of him. It also suggests that he has all the resources (and ingredients) at his disposal to bring his intentions to fruition. The infinity symbol above his head and the snake biting its tail around his waist both indicate that he has limitless potential. A variety of foliage and flowers can be seen in the foreground, which represents how his ideas and aspirations will blossom and come to fruition.
NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.
The Magician, a master manifester, provides you with the resources, energy, and tools you require to realize your dreams. Seriously, you have access to everything you require right now. You have the resources to make your desires come true in the spiritual (fire), physical (earth), mental (air), and emotional (water) realms. You will develop into a manifestation powerhouse when you combine them with the power of the spiritual and physical realms. The secret is to combine these tools in a way that has a greater impact than the sum of their individual effects. This is the pinnacle of alchemy!
You should immediately start working on a recent thought you had. You are being prompted to take action and realize your intention now that the seed of potential has sprouted. You have arrived at this point in your life thanks to the abilities, skills, and knowledge you have acquired along the way, and whether you realize it or not, you are prepared to put your ideas into action.
You must have a distinct vision of what you will create (and why) to manifest your goals. Being driven by ego (money, status, or fame) is insufficient; you also need to have a soul connection to your intentions and goals. You have the chance to align your Higher Self with your daily actions to create the future you desire most because you are a strong, creative being.
The Magician encourages you to take inspired action once you are certain of your "what" and "why." To achieve your goals, you must pay close attention and concentrate intently. Pay attention to the ONE thing that will help you achieve your goal. Drop any side interests that might cause your attention to wander from your goal; commitment to the task is crucial. To ensure that you stay on task and complete your tasks, be methodical in your planning.
On one level, The Magician Reversed suggests that while you are contemplating your desired manifestation, you have not yet taken any concrete action. You may be unsure of how to make it happen and unsure of whether you have everything you need. The Universe will figure out how to bring about whatever you take care of. Keep your intuition sharp and keep an eye out for opportunities as they present themselves. These will lead you closer to your objective like tiny breadcrumbs.
The Magician Reversed may indicate that you are having trouble recognizing advancement or success if you are already making efforts toward your goal. There could be several factors at work. Maybe you have an idea, but you're not sure how to put it into practice. Your efforts may be misdirected or unfocused because you are unclear about the results you want to achieve. You may have forgotten your "why" or it may not have been strong enough to keep you motivated to finish the task. Or perhaps the universe is telling you to turn around because your end goal isn't in line with your true happiness.
The Magician Reversed represents greed, deceit, and manipulation at their worst. Even if you are an expert at manifesting, you might only do it for yourself and at the expense of others if you are disconnected from your Higher Self. You might unintentionally fall into this trap from time to time. Ask yourself if you are working for the highest good or just for your benefit if your goals seem to be failing to materialize or if something seems "off."
The Magician Reversed indicates in a career reading that while you have a wide range of abilities, talents, and skills, your true potential is not being realized. You might come to understand that you have a lot more to offer. Or maybe you are great at something, but you haven't given yourself the chance to develop and practice it. What prevents you from making use of these skills? What must change for you to succeed to the fullest extent?
Don’t let the briefness and simplicity of the answers or the fact that it is a Major Arcana-only reading mislead you; this reading has stood the test of time and repeatedly demonstrated its accuracy to millions of users.
The most significant questions you have about love, relationships, your career, finances, and other topics can be answered by a tarot reading, a potent form of divination that makes use of an ancient deck of cards.
Tarot cards have been used by psychics and fortune tellers for many years, and Free Tarot will provide you with an accurate reading that is personalized based on the cards you select and the order you select them.
You will gain a distinctive and in-depth understanding of your current situation because each card has a different meaning depending on where it is placed.
To prepare for your reading, I recommend that you check these Tips to improve your readings – then start your reading.