Free Tarot » Introduction to the Tree of Life Spread: A Tarot Beginner’s Guide

Introduction to the Tree of Life Spread:
A Tarot Beginner's Guide

Introduction to the Tree of Life Spread: A Tarot Beginner's Guide

What is the Tree of Life Spread?

The Tree of Life Spread is a well-known tarot reading technique that enables the reader to delve into numerous elements of their life and obtain insights about their spiritual path.

The spread is based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, a design that reflects the Jewish mystical tradition’s 10 sefirot, or emanative aspects. This article will discuss how to interpret a Tree of Life Spread and how it may be used to develop self-awareness and insight.

Tree of Life Spread Summary

  • The Tree of Life Spread is a tarot reading technique that allows the reader to explore different aspects of their lives and gain insight into their spiritual path.
  • The spread is based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which represents the ten evaluative dimensions of the Jewish mystical tradition.
  • To perform the spread, the reader lays out ten tarot cards in a vertical line or the shape of a tree, representing the ten sefirot.
  • The reader should consider the symbolism of the tarot cards and the relationships between the sefirot to interpret the spread and gain insights into their life.
  • The spread can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, balance and imbalance, and opportunities for spiritual growth and is a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Setting Up the Tree of Life Spread

A deck of tarot cards and a comfortable workspace are required to begin the spread. You should also have a diary or some paper and a pen on hand to take notes.

To begin, mix your deck of tarot cards and arrange 10 cards in a vertical line to symbolize the ten sefirot of the Tree of Life. You may alternatively arrange the cards in the shape of a tree, with the top cards indicating the higher sefirot and the bottom cards representing the lower sefirot.

Understanding the Kabbalistic Tree of Life Spread:

Before diving into the Tree of Life Spread, it is important to have a basic understanding of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The tree is made up of ten sefirot, or divine emanative dimensions, that are connected by 22 pathways.

Each sefirah represents a different aspect of the divine and human experience, and the pathways between the sefirot represent the relationships and connections between these aspects.

The ten sefirot are:

  1. Keter (Crown):

    The highest aspect of the person receiving the reading and their connection to the divine.

  2. Chokhmah (Wisdom):

    This card represents the person’s understanding and connection to the deeper meaning and purpose of life.

  3. Binah (Understanding):

    This card represents the person’s ability to comprehend and integrate new information and experiences.

  4. Chesed (Mercy):

    This card represents the person’s capacity for compassion and understanding towards others.

  5. Gevurah (Severity):

    Person’s ability to set boundaries and make difficult decisions.

  6. Tiferet (Beauty):

    This card represents the person’s appreciation and connection to beauty and creativity.

  7. Netzach (Victory):

    This card represents the person’s ability to overcome challenges and achieve success.

  8. Hod (Glory):

    This card represents the person’s recognition and achievement in the external world.

  9. Yesod (Foundation):

    Represents the energy of the unconscious and the connection to the divine.

Here are the positions and meanings of each card in the Tree of Life Spread. tarot card spreads
  1. Malkuth (Kingdom):

    Represents the physical world and the manifestation of divine will.

Reading the Tree of Life Spread

After you’ve spread out the 10 Tree of Life Spread cards, you can start interpreting their meanings and how they connect to your life. Here are some reading recommendations for the spread:

  1. Begin from the top and work your way down the tree:

    The upper three sefirot (Keter, Chokhmah, and Binah) symbolize your life’s more abstract and spiritual parts, while the lower sefirot (Malkuth, Yesod, and Hod) represent your life’s more practical and material aspects.

  2. Pay attention to the sefirot’s relationships:

    The routes connecting the sefirot symbolize the links and ties between the many parts of your life. Examine the cards for patterns and relationships, and explore how they may be impacting one another.

  3. Observe the tarot card symbolism:

    The symbolism and meanings of each tarot card can give insight into the numerous areas of your life represented by the sefirot.


    • If the Ace of Wands appears in the Keter position (representing the divine will and potential for creation), it may signal that you are feeling inspired and ready to start on a new endeavor or endeavor.
    • If the Two of Cups appears in the Tiferet position (representing balance and harmony), it might mean that you are enjoying balance and harmony in your relationships.
  4. Use your instincts:

    Trust your intuition and pay attention to any sensations or messages that arise as you read the spread. Tarot readings are intended to be a tool for self-discovery and self-understanding, with your inner knowledge playing a vital role in this process.

Interpreting the Tree of Life Spread

Tarot Major Arcana and Tree of Life Paths

Tarot CardLetterMeaningSymbolic Meaning
FoolAlephOxPrimal Energy
MagicianBethHouseTemple, Attention
High PriestessGimelCamelLifting Up, Unconscious
EmpressDalethDoorPathway, Nourishment
EmperorHeWindowVision, Reasoning
HierophantVauHook, NailConnections, Secure
LoversZayinSwordDiscernment, Cut Off
ChariotChetField, FenceSeparate, Enclose
StrengthTetSerpent, TwistSurround
HermitYodClosed HandDeed, Work
Wheel of FortuneKaphOpen HandCover, Grasp
JusticeLamedGoad, StaffProd, Tongue
Hanged ManMemWaterOverpower, Reversal
DeathNunFruit, FishSprouting, Activity, Life
TemperanceSamechTent, PropSupport, Doctrine
DevilAyinEyesExperience, Knowledge
TowerPheThroat, MouthSpeak, Word
StarTzaddiHookHonesty, Harvest
MoonQuophBack of HeadHidden, Behind
SunReshFaceRedemption, Highest
JudgementShinToothConsume, Destroy
WorldTavSign, CrossCovenant, Seal, Truth

As you read the Tree of Life Spread, you may find that certain patterns or themes emerge. You may notice that certain sefirot are particularly strong or weak, or that certain areas of your life are out of balance. Here are some possible interpretations of the spread:

  1. Strengths and weaknesses:

    If you find that certain sefirot are particularly strong (indicated by high-ranking or positive cards), this may indicate areas of your life where you are feeling particularly confident or successful. Conversely, if certain sefirot are weak (indicated by low-ranking or negative cards), this may indicate areas of your life where you are feeling uncertain or struggling.

  2. Balances and imbalances:

    The Tree of Life Spread can assist you in identifying aspects of your life that may be out of balance or imbalance. For example, if the Tiferet position (representing balance and harmony) is strong but the Netzach position (representing emotional energy) is poor, you may be feeling balanced and grounded but having difficulty connecting with your emotions.

  3. Spiritual growth:

    The Tree of Life Spread can also be used as a tool for exploring your spiritual path and identifying areas where you may be ready for growth and transformation. If the Keter position (representing the divine will and potential for creation) is strong, this may indicate that you are ready to make changes in your life and embrace new opportunities.

Using the Tree of Life Spread in Your Tarot Practice

The Tree of Life Spread is a sophisticated and dynamic tarot reading technique that may reveal insightful information about numerous parts of your life. The Spread may be a useful tool on your road to self-discovery and spiritual progress, whether you are looking for direction on a specific subject or just want to get a better knowledge of yourself.

Here are several ways to include the spread into your tarot practice:

  • Including the spread in your self-exploration and personal improvement activities regularly.
  • Using the spread to delve into specific concerns or areas of your life for assistance.
  • The spread may be used to reflect on your development and growth over time. You may follow your progress and observe how your life is developing and changing by reading the spread regularly.
  • For a more in-depth reading, combine the spread with additional tarot spreads or divination techniques.

You may obtain significant insights and advice on your spiritual path and make better-informed life decisions by employing this spread in your tarot practice.

The Witchy Cauldron Beginner Tarot Deck is an excellent choice for those looking for a deck that incorporates chakras into its illustrations. With its detailed and intricate depictions of each chakra, this deck can provide valuable insight into energy blockages and imbalances.


You may analyze several aspects of your life and gain knowledge of your spiritual path by using the complex and dynamic Tree of Life Spread. By understanding the symbolic meanings of the tarot cards and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, you may examine the spread and obtain insightful and directional information.

The Tree of Life Spread is an excellent resource for self-discovery and personal development, regardless of your level of tarot experience. You may understand yourself better and make better decisions about your life by adding the spread into your tarot practice.

As you read the spread, keep in mind to follow your intuition and pay attention to any sensations or messages that surface. Your inner knowledge plays a significant role in the process of self-discovery and self-understanding those tarot readings are supposed to facilitate.

With any luck, this article has helped you become more familiar with the Tree of Life Spread and how to apply it to your tarot readings. Congrats on learning!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Tree of Life Spread is a tarot reading technique that allows the reader to explore different aspects of their lives and gain insight into their spiritual path. The spread is based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which represents the ten evaluative dimensions of the Jewish mystical tradition.

To perform the Tree of Life Spread, you will need a deck of tarot cards and a comfortable space to work. Shuffle your deck of cards and then lay out ten cards in a vertical line, representing the ten sefirot of the Tree of Life. You may also choose to lay out the cards in the shape of a tree, with the cards at the top representing the higher sefirot and the cards at the bottom representing the lower sefirot.

To interpret the Tree of Life Spread, start at the top of the tree and work your way down, paying attention to the relationships between the sefirot and the symbolism of the tarot cards. Consider the strengths and weaknesses represented by the cards, as well as any balances or imbalances. Use your intuition and listen to any feelings or messages that come to you as you read the spread.

The Tree of Life Spread can be used to explore specific questions or areas of your life that you are seeking guidance on. You can frame your question in a way that relates to the various sefirot, such as “What can I learn about my relationships from the Tree of Life Spread?” or “What guidance does the Tree of Life have for my career path?”

There are many ways you can incorporate the Tree of Life Spread into your tarot practice. Some ideas include using the spread as a regular part of your self-exploration and personal growth work, using the spread to explore specific questions or areas of your life, and using the spread to reflect on your progress and growth over time. You can also use the spread in combination with other tarot spreads or divination techniques for a more in-depth reading.


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